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AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Screen Shots

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Dashboard

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Dashboard

This is the first screen you will see when you log on to AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. It provides an overview of the organisation’s performance. Initially a default set of graphs is shown, but you can customise the dashboard to suit your requirements with different graphs, different timescales and different formats.

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Person Browser Screen

AdvantageNFP Person  Browser Screen
The system is based on a series of browsers. The layout of the main screen allows easy access to all the information and functions available within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser. The Person Browser shown here is displayed by clicking the Person icon on the sidebar menu. Just select the type of information by clicking on the icon from the sidebar menu and then drill down to access all the details previously recorded, or add new details.  Multiple windows can be open at any time and information can be copied and pasted from one window to another. Creating, editing and printing are all just one click away.

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Person Details Screen

AdvantageNFP Person Detail Screen
From a single screen, you can see all the key information about each contact.  As well as recording the name details, you can store unlimited addresses for each contact, specifying which address to use for which types of correspondence.  Unlimited telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, website addresses, etc. can all be logged.  As well as information about single contacts, you can also record the relationships between contacts, such as husband and wife, employer and employee, etc.

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Fundraising Activity Progress Screen

AdvantageNFP Activity Detail Progress Screen
A Fundraising Activity is anything that your organisation does to raise funds; for example a dinner, or a charity fun run, or a mailing campaign, etc. The Fundraising Activity Progress screen shows you at a glance the effectiveness of this activity. The target of an activity can be specified in a number of ways, including the types of supporters, the geographical area, etc. You can quickly analyse the effectiveness of each campaign by comparing the costs to date with the income raised and the number of responses received.  At a glance you can see which campaigns provide the highest return on investment. Fundraising Activities can be grouped together into Fundraising Programmes and each programme can be viewed separately or as as a hierarchy, showing all the segments that make up the whole programme.

AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Income Analysis Screen

AdvantageNFP Income Analysis Screen
A complete income analysis of each fundraising contact is available.  The income received from a fundraising contact (supporter) can be displayed in a number of graphical formats.
This analysis can be seen for the entire lifetime of the supporter, for the current year to date, or for the previous year.
Income received can be further broken down into types of income, such as donations, membership subscriptions, pre-tax payroll giving, raffle ticket sales, etc.

To book an online demonstration of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser, call 01582 794229 or email Marketing

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