Webinar Registration

bulk income entry

DATE/TIME: Thursday 28th April 2022 at 11:00am

DURATION: 30 minutes

PRESENTER: Steve Cast, MD at Redbourn Business Systems

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Fundraising Managers, Event Managers, AdvantageNFP Fundraiser users

TECHNICAL REQUIRMENTS: Internet connection and speakers/headphones

Join us at our FREE LIVE webinar on Bulk Income Entry.

This webinar will look at how Bulk Income Entry is used for fast batch entry of income, typically when the income from a specific appeal is being processed and the Date, Payment Method, Fundraising Activity, Earmark and even the amounts are the same for a batch of income.  You can then setup the common defaults for the batch and just enter in the different values (if any) to save time typing.  It’s effectively a Fast Track Income Entry screen.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the course of the webinar, using the chat function to submit questions. 

This webinar is relevant for all new AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and AdvantageNFP CRM customers and all versions of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and AdvantageNFP CRM.

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